• Basic data:

Project title: Women, Families, Careers - Digital solutions in adult learning


Coordinator: Family-Friendly Hungary Centre Nonprofit Public Benefit Ltd. (CSBM) - Hungary


  • Association for Women's Career Development in Hungary (AWCDH) - Hungary
  • Business & Professional Women Cr z.s. (BPW) – Czech Republic
  • Association of Business Women and Managers (ABWM) - Slovakia
Amount of the grant:60 000 EUR
Rate of grant:   100%
Start date of project: 01/02/2023
Planned date of completion of the project:31/07/2024
Date of decision to grant:08/12/2022
Date of entry into force of the grant agreement: 16/03/2023
Amount of advance payment: 48 000 EUR


  • Project summary:

Compared to before Covid, digitalization has moved on, but  based on previous research carried out in the V4 countries, the digital literarcy of women and families in the region is lagging behind.. This situation has also been confirmed by data from the EU.

Digitalization occupies an important place among the European Union and national objectives and has a high value creating effect. Digital technologies change our lives, we communicate differently, we live differently, and we work differently.

Yet there are women and families with fewer opportunities whodo not yet have sufficient digital skills to make a contribution to the digital transition of countries. That is why women and families need to increase their knowledge and self-confidence in relation to digitalization and with our project we aim to help them achieve this goal..

In the implementation of our project “Women, Family, Career - Digital Solutions in Adult Learning” a public benefit organization and 3 civil organizations work together.

The task of the partners, coming from 3 countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia), is the research and collection of digital solutions used in different areas, which are available but not well known and can be used for women and families. We are preparing the "Collection of Digital Applications" material to be based on jointly defined principles and we will also prepare the “Guide for Using the Digital Applications Collection". After the compilation, the partners from the 3 countries will exchange the digital applications among themselves. The completed compilation will also serve as training material.

Our “products” will be for the use of the organizations participating in the partnership, as well as for use at national level in their countries. We will also include a proposal for mutual exchange, further development, and progressive learning. This innovative solution includes the Collection, the Guide and the Exchange, which is also an exchange of good practices.


At the start of the project an opening meeting will be organized. The next transnational event will take place after the completion of the collection by each country. In the final multiplying event the results of the project will be presented. The three events will be organized by the 4 partners from 3 countries. 


In our project "Women, Families, Careers - Digital solutions in adult learning" we will follow the EU dimension (guidelines, rules, policies, directives, declarations) and those to be applied by the 3 countries on national level.

The project will be implemented simultaneously in the 3 participating countries with mainly online tools, which will ensure that we involve a large audience from these countries, thanks to the active participation of the 4 partner organizations and the mobilization of their network of contacts.

The goals, activities and results can be followed on the partners’ websites and FB sites as well as on EU platforms.