Miklós Kásler: The world was already speaking of a “Hungarian model"
Szerző:csalad.hu, fotó: Förster Tamás2019. 09. 06.Támogatások, kedvezmények
At the 3rd Budapest Demographic Summit, the Minister of Human Capacities stated that it was the future of our nations and the fate of our children that were at stake, and the monitoring of demographic processes was vital.
He stated: Presenters from Europe and from all corners of the world conveyed the message that although the specific issues at hand and the solution options are different, the objective is shared: to find a solution. It is felt across the board that the abandonment of classic values has resulted in the dissolution of social values.
Referring to the words of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, he stated: we must return to the roots: faith, family, traditions and respect for our forebearers and offspring.
– Women do want to give birth if they are inclined so; if they are brought up in a way that tells them that children are valuable, and if they have the urge to sustain mankind. If this kind of mindset could be brought back to the position it was in up until the last decade, the issue would be resolved right away. The only aspect the Government can contribute is financial help, meaning that if someone wants to have children, they can do so without hitting financial obstacles.
He explained that Hungary had a family-friendly government, and when it came to decision-making, the impact on families of individual decisions was always a high-priority consideration. Through the rights set out in the Fundamental Law and the support offered to families, the Government aims to find a solution to the demography issue. It promotes families through teaching, education and all social aspects. In the context of the Family Protection Action Plan, he noted that the world was already speaking of a “Hungarian model”.